Hi All,
1.Our version is BODS 4.0 & ECC 6.0 EHP5.
2. We can able to import extractor from SAP system.
3.Error while running the extractor job in BODS, Please see the error below.
Extractor returned error: <E: MESSAGE - Job ODQR_20140806_121712_000014_C could not be scheduled. See the system log for
details.. MESSAGE_V1 - ODQR_20140806_121712_000014_C.>.
4. I checked running RSA3 transaction, there we can able to see the data. Aslo tested by using ABAP program, the result was Maximum waiting time of 7.200 seconds exceeded.
Aslo i refered below link.
Thanks & Regards,
Balamurugan G