I have a dilemma related to trying to synch up two files of vendor information and I am wondering if others have experience/tips with how to handle something like this in data services.
In file 1 I have vendors that are a combination of businesses and contractors and looks something like....
International Business Machine
John Smith
In file 2 I have vendors that are a combination of businesses and contractors and looks something like....
In terms of the businesses I think those can be run through the firm data cleanse and I can then do a join to find matches. The problem is with the "vendors" that are contractors. Unfortunately I have no good way to seperate this population from the business vendors and running through the data cleanse doesn't really help. I also can't substring the contractors to try and reorder the names based on commas because it would mess up my regular business vendors.
Anyone have any experience with something like this and have any tips?