Currently we use Data Services scripts to document the job and workflow status in a database table. Because we use these scripts in a lot of workflows and jobs and scripts are not reusable, we want to parameterize the statements in a function.
The problem is, that we use different datastores/databases. So there are some jobs with the database A and the status table A and some jobs with the datastore B and the status table B or whatever.
Now we tried to parameterize the SQL-Statement like this:
sql($Database,'SELECT JOB FROM '|| $Table ||' WHERE rtrim(WF) IS NULL AND rtrim(JOB)=\'' || job_name( ) || '\';') IS NULL
The result is that we get an error. The error says that I have to parenthesize the datastore in single quote. If I parenthesize the variable in single quote I get the message, that the database $Database is unknown.
Is there any solution to use parameter in a SQL statement? If it is not possible I want to ask if someone has an idea for a workaround.