I am using DB2 source for extracting data in my project. (As source)
I get the below warning when
[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/LINUXX8664] SQLSTATE 01517: A character that could not be converted was replaced with a substitute
so for the tables with high count , These warnings get piled up resulting in Internal internalisation error.
When i browsed about this warning online , it was mentioned as code page issue.
I checked the values in source DB2server - which was as given below.
Database territory = en_US
Database code page = 1208
Database code set = UTF-8
Database country/region code = 1.
I changed my client machine Environment values to the same values as well(Snapshot attached)
I have changed it in my source datastore values as well. (Snapshot attached)
Can you guys help me on this issue, any suggestion/help will be deeply appreciated.