As you may already know SAP has released SAP Data Services 4.2 SP04. For me the most important question was - is it finally compatible with SAP IQ 16.0 SP08 version.
Following my previous discussion about the fact that SAP Data Services 4.2 SP03 is not compatible with SAP IQ 16.0 SP08 (http://scn.sap.com/thread/3619164) I have installed and tested SAP Data Services 4.2 SP04 as soon as it appeared in the SAP Services Marketplace and configured it to work with SAP IQ 16.0 SP08 database.
Here are my observations.
SAP Data Services 4.2 SP04 now officially supports SAP IQ 16.0 SP08 (see SAP PAM).
SAP Data Services 4.2 SP04 now correctly prepares Bulk Load statement without involving Block size parameter although Block size (bytes) option in SAP Data Services Target Table properties window is still filled in with default value and is uneditable.
What should be fixed and improved.
Binary Bulk Load is still not working. Previously in SAP Data Services 4.2 SP03 the error log was filled with non-descriptive text messages in the case of Binary Bulk Load error. Now the error message is a little bit more descriptive and very interesting - This error occurred in Sybase IQ bulk loader for column. The native type of this column is unknown.
Template table feature using SAP IQ database is working incorrectly. It can correctly create a table in SAP IQ database but during another subsequent data loads it doesn't re-create a Template table.
Do you have more thoughts and observations about SAP Data Services and SAP IQ compatibility?
Best regards,
Donatas Budrys