Hi All
Any feedback on this issue will be appreciated
We have SAP Data Services 4.0 SP03 installed ( AIX ).
Address directories for countries "CH", "DK",
"CHN" and "US" are
We quarterly do update of address directories. Latest update was
done 13.01.2015.
After latest address directory update one real-time service "MDG_Create_Match_Codes"
do not start, service status in DATA
SERVICES MANAGEMENT CONSOLE : "Could not launch flow. To restart, restart
its job server", all the other real-time services starts
All Real-Time services starts successfully after the address update in
DEV environment. Same is for the QA environment, first server ( bodsqaapp1 ) in
the HA cluster. On second server ( bodsqaapp2 ) in the BODS QA HA cluster all
Real-Time services started successfully EXCEPT FOR the service "MDG
As from DATA SERVICES MANAGEMENT CONSOLE on bodsqaapp1, bodsqaapp2, the
Trace Log, Job Monitor Log and Job Error Log looks the same for
service "MDG_Create_Match_Codes". Job Error Log shows “Empty
file received”, same as for all the other services that starts successfully, Job
Monitor Log is empty, same as for the first server in the cluster, where the
service starts successfully. The Job Trace Log too shows same as for the first
server in the cluster, where the service starts successfully, ref paste in from
Job Trace Log at bodsqaapp2 below.
Service provider Status Information for the service: "Could not
launch flow. To restart, restart its job server"
Servers for Services: "Could not start instances".
Startup timeout: 900
Memory and disk space not an issue.
From Job Trace Log for real-time service service
"MDG_Create_Match_Codes" at bodsqaapp2 ( - looks same as for
bodsqaapp1 )
Job name: Job_Realtime_DQ_SAP_MDG_Create_Match_Codes
(14.0) 01-15-15 12:55:49 (6815764:0001) JOB: The initial environment locale
<eng_us.utf-8> has been coerced to <Unicode (UTF-16)> ().
(14.0) 01-15-15 12:55:53
(6815764:0001) JOB: Current system
configuration : <DB2>.
(14.0) 01-15-15 12:55:53
(6815764:0001) JOB: Reading job
<Job_Realtime_DQ_SAP_MDG_Create_Match_Codes> from the repository; Server
version is <>; Repository
version is <>.
(14.0) 01-15-15 12:55:53
(6815764:0001) JOB: Current
directory of job <Job_Realtime_DQ_SAP_MDG_Create_Match_Codes> is
(14.0) 01-15-15 12:55:53
(6815764:0001) JOB: Starting job on
job server host <bodsqaapp2>, port <3500>.
(14.0) 01-15-15 12:55:54
(6815764:0001) JOB: Job
<Job_Realtime_DQ_SAP_MDG_Create_Match_Codes> of runid
<201501151255536815764001> is initiated by user <sapbods>.
(14.0) 01-15-15 12:55:54
(6815764:0001) JOB: Processing job
(14.0) 01-15-15 12:55:56
(6815764:0001) JOB: Initializing
transcoder for datastore <DQ_SAP_DS> to transcode between engine
codepage<Unicode (UTF-16)> and datastore codepage
(14.0) 01-15-15 12:55:58
(6815764:0001) JOB: Optimizing job
(14.0) 01-15-15 12:55:59
(6815764:0001) JOB: Job
<Job_Realtime_DQ_SAP_MDG_Create_Match_Codes> is started.
(14.0) 01-15-15 12:55:59
(6815764:0001) DATAFLOW: Data flow
<DF_Realtime_DQ_SAP_MDG_Create_Match_Codes> is initialized.
(14.0) 01-15-15 12:55:59
(6815764:0001) DATAFLOW: Data flow
<DF_Realtime_DQ_SAP_MDG_Create_Match_Codes> using IN MEMORY Cache.
Job name: Job_Realtime_DQ_SAP_MDG_Create_Match_Codes
(14.0) 01-15-15 12:55:49 (6815764:0001) JOB: The initial environment locale
<eng_us.utf-8> has been coerced to <Unicode (UTF-16)> ().
(14.0) 01-15-15 12:55:53
(6815764:0001) JOB: Current system
configuration : <DB2>.
(14.0) 01-15-15 12:55:53
(6815764:0001) JOB: Reading job
<Job_Realtime_DQ_SAP_MDG_Create_Match_Codes> from the repository; Server
version is <>; Repository
version is <>.
(14.0) 01-15-15 12:55:53
(6815764:0001) JOB: Current
directory of job <Job_Realtime_DQ_SAP_MDG_Create_Match_Codes> is
(14.0) 01-15-15 12:55:53
(6815764:0001) JOB: Starting job on
job server host <bodsqaapp2>, port <3500>.
(14.0) 01-15-15 12:55:54
(6815764:0001) JOB: Job
<Job_Realtime_DQ_SAP_MDG_Create_Match_Codes> of runid
<201501151255536815764001> is initiated by user <sapbods>.
(14.0) 01-15-15 12:55:54
(6815764:0001) JOB: Processing job
(14.0) 01-15-15 12:55:56
(6815764:0001) JOB: Initializing
transcoder for datastore <DQ_SAP_DS> to transcode between engine
codepage<Unicode (UTF-16)> and datastore codepage
(14.0) 01-15-15 12:55:58
(6815764:0001) JOB: Optimizing job
(14.0) 01-15-15 12:55:59
(6815764:0001) JOB: Job
<Job_Realtime_DQ_SAP_MDG_Create_Match_Codes> is started.
(14.0) 01-15-15 12:55:59
(6815764:0001) DATAFLOW: Data flow
<DF_Realtime_DQ_SAP_MDG_Create_Match_Codes> is initialized.
(14.0) 01-15-15 12:55:59
(6815764:0001) DATAFLOW: Data flow
<DF_Realtime_DQ_SAP_MDG_Create_Match_Codes> using IN MEMORY Cache.
best regards
Hanne Münther