Hi All,
My Input Table is as below.
Emp ID Dept ID Salary Date
1 1 100 01/16/2015
2 1 250 01/10/2015
1 1 400 01/25/2015
2 1 500 01/01/2015
I need to sort the data based on Emp ID, Dept ID so expected o/p should be
Emp ID Dept ID Salary Date
1 1 100 01/16/2015
1 1 400 01/10/2015
2 1 250 01/10/2015
2 1 500 01/01/2015
From the above table, For Each Emp ID, Dept ID, pick up the record with latest date. That means final o/p should be
Emp ID Dept ID Salary Date
1 1 100 1/16/2015
2 1 250 1/10/2015
Could you please explain me how to achieve this.