Hi Experts we are facing an RFC error issue in SAP BW7.3 while running process chains on daily basis.
Non SAP Source system and ETL is SAP BODS. So Based on BODS jobs are triggered through info-packages.
We will ensure that SAP BODS RFC connection is in active state on both SAP BW side and also on BODS.
their status will be green.
package variants get stucked, the infopackage gets triggered and it will be in active status when checked in background(SM37).
and it displays the message that the infopackage ZIP_DS_XYZ is started but it doesn't generate any request Id for this. It shows in yellow status(loading) but when we checked the same job in BODS Console, the job is not triggered yet in BODS.
If we stop the RFC server through BODS console after a while, the job gets failed in Infopakage and its status turns Red and throws an error: opening an RFC connectionCPIC_Call "ThSAPOCMINIT" :cmRc=27 tHrc =26.
Even though the RFC connection is Fine, but the infopackage remains in yellow status and job will not be triggered in BODS yet. once after we stop the RFC server connection in BODS, the job get failed in BODS and in BW.
We are facing this issue for the past 6 months, no work around has been made yet.
Any help or suggestions on this is much appreciated.