Hi ,
I am using .bat file to count the number of files in the folder. I want to capture the value of the number of files.
I have written small .bat file as shown below
@echo off
setlocal enableextensions
CD %1
set cnt=0
for %%A in (*) do set /a cnt+=1
echo File count = %cnt%
I have used this batch file in the script as shown below.
$COUNT =exec('D:\\test.bat', 'D:\\docs',8);
In the above $COUNT is varchar(255).
actually i have only 11 file sin the docs folder . But it is giving the 442 files.
If I run the same batch file in the windows cmd command I am getting the correct result.
Please let me know what will be issues?
I am unable figure out the issues for weird result when I am using DS.
Please help me in this issue.
Thanks & Regards,