We are migrating to Data Services to use the URAC transform for our Hygiene needs. In Ace there were fields available used in the reporting of LacsLink and DPV that I am not seeing in the Data Services URAC transform. Can anybody tell me what the equivalent fields would be?
Ace - PRELLTYPE - Returns the record-type indicator for the pre-LACSLink assigned address.
Ace - DPV-TIES_CNT - gives you the count for the number of ties that were resolved by DPV
For Data Services there is a field called Address_Type - the record-type indicator for the assign address. But it seems like this is an assignment after LACSLink. I do not see a before field. In Ace the after field seems to be called RECTYPE.
We are trying to produce the same/similar reports as Ace did where the report is called LACSLink Conversion Summary and this table shows the before and after assignment of a record. For example it came in as a Rural Route and was converted to a Street address.
I also cannot find any field or statistics that come close to DPV-TIES-CNT. Any help would be appreciated.