I am trying to copy files from one folder to another folder within the same shared drive. Getting error "cannot find the path specified". Please see my error log.
13196 | 12532 | PRINTFN | 7/25/2015 12:30:25 PM | \\vmspfsfsch02\JET_INTEL_TO_BL\* |
13196 | 12532 | PRINTFN | 7/25/2015 12:30:25 PM | \\vmspfsfsch02\JET_INTEL_TO_BL\Processed\* |
13196 | 12532 | PRINTFN | 7/25/2015 12:30:25 PM | 1: The system cannot find the path specified. |
13196 | 12532 | JOB | 7/25/2015 12:30:25 PM | Job <JOB_JET0010_PreLoad> is completed successfully. |
Script is as follows
print ( $GV_Jet_Base_Folder );
print( $GV_Jet_Processed_Folder );
print(exec('cmd','copy "'||$GV_Jet_Base_Folder||'" "'||$GV_Jet_Processed_Folder||' - copied to Processed Folder on '||to_char(sysdate(),'mm-dd-yyyy')|| ' at ' ||to_char(sysdate(),'hh-mi-ss')|| '.txt'|| '"',8));
Even if I change my global variables to the path on the job server, same error message.
Can anybody help?