Hi Experts,
I am working on a HCM Rapid Mart - BPDM .
Migrating from SQL Server to SAP ECC.
I am using IDOCS
I have number ranges coming from legacy system and needs to convert the same to SAP ECC Number range.
I have extracted the internal number ranges from SAP and kept it in a lookup file.
Can anyone let me know, how to write a function or how to use this in a Lookup_ext, so that once new number from sap gets assigned then i can send this IDOC to SAP ECC.
SQL Server
Object Id Type Text
1 O OrgUnit1
2 S Position1
3 C Job1
4 O OrgUnit2
5 S Position2
6 C Job2
In SAP Internal Number Range assigned for Orgunit, Jobs and Positions
Orgunit 10000000 19999999
Jobs 20000000 29999999
Positions 30000000 39999999
Output Should be as below.
Object Id Type Text
10000000 O Org.Unit
20000000 S Position1
30000000 C Job1
10000001 O Org.Unit2
20000001 S Position2
30000001 C Job2
A Sustainer