I am newcomer to the forum as well as to data services. I have built a dozen jobs to get SAP ECC data and they all run fine from the designer. I have published them as web services and I got the WSDL. I have built a .net application and generated the needed proxy with the WSDL. What I am really having problem with is lack of any help or documentation on the classes generated in the proxy. I would like to know the sequence such as ... create connection_operations->Login->execute batch job and logout. I could login and got the sessionID as return.
I could not go further as I am failing to understand the relationship between these objects. I am sure there must be a heirarchy like server->repository->JobsList->Execute A particular job-> Disconnect server.
I have searched extensively for this and I could not find anything I needed.
Here is the code I have so far. Any help will be appreciated. I am using visual studio 2013.
Connection_Operations co = new Connection_Operations();
session sn = co.Logon(lr);
if (sn == null)
Repo_Operations ro = new Repo_Operations { sessionValue = sn };
GetListOfRepositoriesRequest repoListReq = new GetListOfRepositoriesRequest();
GetListOfRepositoriesResponse repoListRes = ro.Get_Repository_List(repoListReq);
Batch_Job_Admin bj = new Batch_Job_Admin();
bj.sessionValue = sn;
GetListOfBatchJobsRequest lbr = new GetListOfBatchJobsRequest();
Logout_Input lo = new Logout_Input();
This question was posed earlier in the forum in 2013 by Henry Taylor at Sample C# .NET code for consuming a Data Services Web Service
But I have not found any replies.