HI Experts,
I am trying to load 1.2 million records from Source table to target.
Source Table- Temp1
target Table - Temp2
Lookup table- Temp3
I am pulling the 11 columns from source table and doing some lookups to load data to target table.
When i am doing the lookup on 11 columns job is taking almost 8 hrs to complete.
Below is the Sql operation which i am doing on some columns in Query Transformation before loading into target.
sql( 'unv_ds_kks','select COL_SEG_ID from UNV_DS.TEMP3 where SEG_TYPE like \'ABC%\' and SEG_CODE =\'' || Case_EESBA_KEMS_Case_EESBA_KEMS_EXISTS.ESS_SEG_ID_4 || '\' and KOMP_FILE_POSITION = 5').
Above SQl is implemented on 11 columns with different where conditions.
Is there any way to improve performance.