hi all,
i am trying to understand update control options in target table -> options.
specifically these concepts: use input keys, update key columns, autocorrect load(allow merge)
i got the definitions but it has not been possible to build a sample job implementing these concepts.
can anyone provide examples for this?
use input keys: as per the definition if the target table has no keys, it should consider the keys of the preceding data [from query transform etc]
i prepared a sample dataflow : source [empid, location] -> query transform [primary key : empid ] -> target [has no keys]
run 1 : input : empid = 1 location='loc1' output : empid = 1 location='loc1'
run 2 : input : empid = 1 location ='loc2' output :empid = 1 location='loc1' and empid = 1 location='loc2'
[new record has got appended instead of getting updated]
could anyone spot what is wrong here?