We need to process XML files as an input to a DS job.
We have an error processing XML files:
(14.2) 09-29-15 15:51:18 (W) (7032:6332) XML-240308: |Data flow MK_PV_DF_ValidacionEsquemaXML|Reader READ MESSAGE NAXMLPOSJournal OUTPUT(NAXMLPOSJournal)
XML parser failed: Error: <no declaration found for element 'NAXML-POSJournal'> at line <2>, char <355> in file
The beginning of the XML file is:
- <NAXML-POSJournal xmlns:radiant="http://www.radiantsystems.com/NAXML-Extension" xmlns="http://www.naxml.org/POSBO/Vocabulary/2003-10-16" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.naxml.org/POSBO/Vocabulary/2003-10-16 NAXML-PBI34RadiantExtended.xsd" xmlns:xmime="http://www.w3.org/2005/05/xmlmime" version="3.4">
- <TransmissionHeader>
<VendorName>Radiant Systems, Inc.</VendorName>
<VendorModelVersion>RPOS Export: 6.10.3260.0018</VendorModelVersion>
- <radiant:TransmissionHeaderExtension>
<radiant:StoreName>PAU CARABANCHEL</radiant:StoreName>
We think that it coul be because we dont have access from our server to internet. In the first XML tag some urls are mentioned. We could open access to a list of url.
Does anyone know why this error arises? Is it due to having no access to intenet? Which url should be added to the list of restricted intenet sites where we have access?
Thanks in advance,
Carlos Castrillón