Hi all,
I tried to use a WebService as a source in BODS (Busines Objects Data Services).
Currently I solved to create a datastore which connected to the webservice and retrieved the functions on the webservice. The retireved functions are now listed under functions in the datastore. This seems to be fine.
Now i try to retrieve the data provided by the webservice in this way:
First error ... Function call has no input mapping defined. (BODI-1111047) raised. Then i learned about a article
in the business objects board (Trouble adding WSDL function call to Query Transform.). Now i have the following errors:
[Query:Q_build_parameter_structur] Invalid query <&UNSPECIFIED_NAME>. (BODI-1111073)
[Query:Q_build_parameter_structur] Output column <Q_build_parameter_structur."getSpecialTexts..Adapter.DS_WEBSRV"."$REPLY_SCHEMA".getSpecialTextsResponse.SpecialTextRow.generellGesperrt> is not mapped. (BODI-1111071)
Q_get_data_from_web_service looks like that:
U find Q_build_parameter_structur in the attachments.
IMHO: the problem is to map the input structure to the request structure of the webservice.
Is there a short description for using webservices as a source? Any suggestions to solve that problem?
Thanx a lot.