Hi everybody,
Using Data Services Management Console I'm exporting executing commands for a job with parameters inserted through global variables.
I obtain 2 files:
- NORM_PRUEBA.bat: Calls AL_RWJobLauncher.exe and uses the engine command file
- NORM_PRUEBA.txt: The engine command file encrypted
However, I would like to obtain a engine command file (the second one) not encripted to be able to change the content of the global variables directly in the file not doing a new exportation if the values change.
The contents of the files are:
- "C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\Data Services\bin\AL_RWJobLauncher.exe" "C:\ProgramData\SAP BusinessObjects\Data Services/log/JobServer_1/" -w "inet:WIN-EBV4N8RMEJK:3500" -C "C:\ProgramData\SAP BusinessObjects\Data Services/log/NORM_PRUEBA.txt"
- -PLocaleUTF8 -R"Repo_WIN-EBV4N8RMEJK.txt" -G"c7b4f601_0ac3_4acc_83f1_5594a0331d20" -t5 -T14 -KspSystem_Config_Desa -LocaleGV -GV"$RutaFichero=J0M6XFVzZXJzXEFkbWluaXN0cmF0b3JcRGVza3RvcF" -GV"xKQUNcQ09SUl9NQU5URU5JTUlFTlRPX1Y0XFZFUlNJw5NOIDRcMDRfU" -GV"FJVRUJBUyc;$NombreFich_In=J1BydWViYV9SYXBpZGEudHh0Jw;$T" -GV"ipo_Fichero=MQ;$Tipo_Resto=MQ;" -CtBatch -CmWIN-EBV4N8RMEJK -CaAdministrator -CjWIN-EBV4N8RMEJK -Cp3500
If I try to change manually the content of global varianles in file NORM_PRUEBA.txt, the execution of the script give me the error:
(14.2) 01-07-16 17:50:01 (E) (14704:9108) PAR-305010: |Session NORM_Correos_v3_0
The data <'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\JAC\CORR_MANTENIMIENTO_V4\VERSION 4\04_PRUEBAS'> is invalid. Use the AL_Encrypt
utility to encode substitution variable and global variable data prior to adding them to the Data Services job command line.
What do I have to change in the engine command file to be able to insert the values not encrypted? (Or can I set it from the Export Execution Command in Data Services Management Console?)
Also, what do the following arguments in the command file mean?:
- -G"c7b4f601_0ac3_4acc_83f1_5594a0331d20"
- -t5
- -T14
Thanks and best regards