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Hi experts, please help me on the below BODS error.


Hi Experts,


The below is my script to find and insert the jobname,job_id,servername,Startdate,enddate, and target_row_count in a table. I'm using the script before my DF. Only one DF exists in my job.




$GV_Job_Name = job_name( );


$Batch_ID = GRSAP_GET_JOB_ID( );   >>> is the custom function.


$GV_Start_date = sysdate( );


$GV_End_date = sysdate( );


$GV_Target_count = sql ('KPI_REP','Select count(*) from KPIRPT_USR.KPI_INTRADAY');


$GV_SERVERNAME = host_name( );








I'm unable troubleshoot the below error. Kindly help me what is the issue.


|Session REP_ATOMIC_MEASURES_EYENET_TO_KPI_INTRADAY Oracle <(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS_LIST =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = usaldblxd012)(PORT = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA =(SID=COKPIUAT)))> error message for operation <OCIStmtExecute>: <ORA-01861: literal does not match format string >.


(14.2) 02-17-16 14:14:29 (E) (26432:7488) RUN-050304: |Session REP_ATOMIC_MEASURES_EYENET_TO_KPI_INTRADAY Function call <sql ( KPI_STG, insert into KPISTG_USR.TBJOBCTL(JOBNAME,JOBID,SERVER,STARTDATETIME,ENDDATETIME,ROWCOUNT) values('REP_ATOMIC_MEASURES_EYENET_TO_KPI_INTRADAY','02_17_2016_14_14_25_54988__7ce40fd2_a5f4_49c8_93f0_6dd273d103f9','USALVULXT 010','2016.02.17','2016.02.17','3') ) > failed, due to error <70301>: <Oracle <(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS_LIST =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = usaldblxd012)(PORT = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA =(SID=COKPIUAT)))> error message for operation <OCIStmtExecute>: <ORA-01861: literal does not match format string >.>.


(14.2) 02-17-16 14:14:29 (E) (26432:7488) RUN-053008: |Session REP_ATOMIC_MEASURES_EYENET_TO_KPI_INTRADAY INFO: The above error occurs in the context <|Session REP_ATOMIC_MEASURES_EYENET_TO_KPI_INTRADAY|sql(...) Function Body|>.


(14.2) 02-17-16 14:14:29 (E) (26432:7488) DBS-070301: |Session REP_ATOMIC_MEASURES_EYENET_TO_KPI_INTRADAY Oracle <(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS_LIST =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = usaldblxd012)(PORT = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA =(SID=COKPIUAT)))> error message for operation <OCIStmtExecute>: <ORA-01861: literal does not match format string >.




Thanks in advance,


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