I'm loading data into BW using DataServices and I created RFC connections and Source System in BW to communicate with Data Services.
Also I created the Datasources in BW, replicated in DataServices and everything is working fine. All of this in Development.
When moving to QA I transported the Datasources from DEV to QA in BW.
In DataServices I promoted the Job with the connection (DataStore) and all the replicated DataSources as well. The promotion finished without any errors.
When testing running the Job in QA I got an error that says:
"There is no hierarchy available for Infosource = <DS_DATASOURCE> and source system = <DS_DV>"
After several hours of tryal an error I was able to figure out the issue and everything is related to the fact that the DataSource (which was promoted from DataServices DEV to QA) is tied to the source system. This means that "DS_DV" is the source system of BW DEV and should be DS_QA for BW QA.
I had to reimport the DataSource in DataServices QA, modify the job and replace the datasource (which was pointing to DEV) with the replicated one.
After this I was able to push data to BW.
My question is this, is there a way to map source systems like you do in BW? In BW there's a table where you can translate source systems during a transport request so when in DEV is called DS_DV, when transported to QA it is renamed to DS_QA. I'm looking for this kind of configuracion in DataServices to be able to replace or map the DataSource to the right environment after a promotion.
Any help?