How to write lookup for the two fields acct_type and cust_type
case when (select d.tbl_seg_key from proddb2.lkuptbl d where d.tbl_name = 'TOPNATND' and substr(tbl_seg_key, 5,10) = a.cust_acct_no FETCH FIRST 1 ROWS ONLY ) is not null then 'National'
when (select d.tbl_seg_key from proddb2.lkuptbl d where d.tbl_name = 'TOPNATN' and substr(tbl_seg_key, 5,10) = a.cust_acct_no FETCH FIRST 1 ROWS ONLY ) is not null then 'National'
else ' ' end as acct_type,
case when (select d.tbl_seg_key from proddb2.lkuptbl d where d.tbl_name = 'TOPNATND' and substr(tbl_seg_key, 5,10) = a.cust_acct_no FETCH FIRST 1 ROWS ONLY ) is not null then 'Direct'
else 'Non-Direct' end as cust_type,
Please suggest me any idea how to implement lookup for these in BODS.