Hi All,
Need your assistance in here. There are 100 plus amount fields of different months/quarters coming in with local value and we are trying to do currency conversation using a custom function inside ifthenelse function. When we apply this currency conversion logic on all the input fields, the connection is going to oracle and it's not coming out till the time the dataflow is getting completed. There are around 100 plus connections it is establishing in oracle and there is performance degrade.
Here is the logic:
#Do currency conversion only for non-USD Amount and non-zero Amount
ifthenelse(<tablename>.Project_Currency__c = 'USD' OR nvl(<tablename>.cur_FY1_Q1_Total_Revenue__c, 0) = 0,
nvl(<tablename>.cur_FY1_Q1_Total_Revenue__c, 0),
DS_SFDC_SOR.COR_SOURCE."COR_CURR_EXCHG_RATES.CONVERT_CURRENCY"(<tablename>.cur_FY1_Q1_Total_Revenue__c, <tablename>.Project_Currency__c, 'USD',
Would like to know your inputs on how to rectify this issue. Have tried splitting query transforms to few but still the issue is same.