Dear DS Expert,
We've upgraded our DS from 3.2 into 4.2 and want to use the exisiting batch file.
But got the following error:
Syntax error at line <1>: <>: near <]> found <']'> expecting <+, ||, DIVIDE, MOD, *, SUBVARIABLE, a decimal>.
Syntax error at line <1>: <>: near <;> found <SUBVARIABLE> expecting <'(', '.'>.
2 error(s), 0 warning(s).
Check and fix the syntax and retry the operation.
Error parsing global variable values from the command line: <$G_ORIG_SRC_ID=�MD���];�m�;>. Check the syntax and try
Comparing the batch file created from 3.2 and 4.2 and the result:
Is there any configuration that need to be configured so we can use the existing batch file?