Hello dear Experts
I recently installed a DQM4SAP System for an ERP System. Most of the Installation works fine but there is a strange behaviour in the Addressvalidation.
When I execute the Addressvalidation the Suggestion List provides me an List with suggested correct adresses with street, housenumber, postalcode and city. (see Screenshot Suggestion_list.PNG)
But when I select one entry and jump to the next window where I can compare the original and the validated address, the Street and Housenumbner Field of the Validated Address will be empty (see Screenshot: validation.png).
So the address will be saved without a Street and housenumber. The Cityname and the Postcode are validated correctly, when I write it slightly wrong it changes it to the correct one.
Has anyone encounterd a similar Problem or has any Suggestion what could be wrong in this case?
I would really appreciate if someone had an Idea on this Topic.
Thank you and best regards,