I am trying to connect Data Services with Tibco EMS using the JMS Adapter method. But I am receiving the below mentioned error -
ERROR displayed in DS management console when I try to run the RS_TestConnectivity operation instance -
6/8/16 10:36:54 AM JMS adapter error: Error in getting the queue connection factory.: java.lang.NullPointerException: while trying to invoke the method com.acta.adapter.jms.JMSConfigHandler.getQueueConnectionFactory() of a null object loaded from field com.acta.adapter.jms.JMSAdapter.configHandler of an object loaded from local variable 'this'
1) I followed the below link as guide-
JMS Real-Time Integration with SAP Data Services - Enterprise Information Management - SCN Wiki
Here is the snippet of my JNDI config from DS (server and port not mentioned)
I have placed the jndi.properties file in the lib folder and added the path in DS classpath.
2) I added the following tibco jars to the DS classpath -
3) I looked at my other posts in the forum and realized that I do not have "<DS_COMMON_DIR>/adapters/config" folder in my installation. Does anyone what could wrong here? why i do not have this folder? This folder is supposed to contain the JMSAdapter.xml and that is missing. I believe that is the reason i am getting the Null pointer exception.
Additional Notes-
1) I tried to connected to the tibco ems through a stand alone JMS client program and it is working sucessfully. So there is no problem on tibco side.
Any help, advices, suggestions or further reading links appreciated.