Hi All,
I have a urgent requirement, please help me. Below is my issue.
I am trying to load Routes using ROUTING_CREATE01 idoc into ECC, i am able to load Idoc successfully but i see only Task list header and Material assignment segment data in display(CA03). I am passing Operations data also in the Idoc but i don't see it in display or in PLPO table. I am using external numbering and passing only three segments Task list(E1BP1012_TSK_C), Material assignment (E1BP1012_MTK_C), Operations (E1BP1012_OPR_C). In operations i am passing following fields.
- Task list group
- group counter
- sequence number
- change number
- Valid from
- Valid to
- Activity
- Operation ID
- Control Key
- Work center
- Plant
- Operation measurement unit
- denominator
- base quantity
- STD_UNIT 01/02/03
- STD_VALUE 01/02/03
Please let me know where i am doing wrong, what fields do i need to pass and why i am not able to see operations data in display when idoc posted successfully.
Much appreciate your help!