I have a DS4.1 dataflow that reads base64-encoded word docs from a source.
The encoded word docs are stored in a varchar(200000) field and look e.g. like this:
I'd like to decode the field and store it in a BLOB/ST_MEMORY_LOB column in SAP HANA but I'm struggling with base64_decode() in DS.
apporach 1:
base64_decode( <encoded_doc>, 'UTF-8') seems only to work if <encoded_doc> is an encoded UTF-8 string which is not the case here - the word
docs are encoded binary data.
approach 2:
step 1: apply varchar_to_long(<encoded_doc>) and map it to a BLOB field in DS
step 2: in a downstream query: call base64_decode( <encoded_doc_as_BLOB> ) and map the output to a LONG field which
becomes a BLOB/ST_MEMORY_LOB in my SAP HANA table.
When I do this, I'm getting wrong data in the SAP HANA BLOB that has nothing to do with the original word doc (?)
Does anyone has experience with base64_encode/decode on binary data stored in blobs?.
Thanks for your response!
Regards, Martin
PS: I can write the the encoded data into SAP HANA if i map the varchar_to_long(<encoded_doc>) output to a LONG field in DS and map it to SAP HANA BLOB field. But I don't have a base64-decode function in SAP HANA.