We just installed Information Steward 4.2. When I run a profiling task, everything fails and I get the following error after like 10 minutes, always even for small tables and different data. The error isn't clear.
[E] 2014-03-05 09:24:54.369 [TaskUtility][pool-1-thread-1] Failed ATL: #__AW_Repository_Version '';
#__AW_Product_Version '';
#__AW_ATL_Locale 'eng_us.utf-8';
[E] 2014-03-05 09:25:15.776 [TaskUtility][pool-4-thread-1] The Data Services engine could not complete the request because of an internal error. (TSK-10078)
[E] 2014-03-05 09:25:15.885 [TaskUtility][main] Utility failed with code 4. (COR-10020)
Complete log is attached.