we have a problem with your product SAP BusinessObjects Data Services XI 3.2 SP3 ( after which we proceeded , through the VMware product 9.0.10 for Windows 9.0.10, to the virtualization of the machine client with OS Windows Server 2003 32bit and DB Oracle client , then update to Has also been virtualized UNIX server , from version AIX 6.1 to AIX 7.1 en DB ORACLE server from version to version
The jobs performed by SAP BO Data Services after connecting to the DB server return the following errors ORACLE :
Oracle <DMART.MINSALUTE> error message for operation <OCIStmtExecute>: <ORA-12571: TNS: packet writer failure
Oracle <DMART.MINSALUTE> error message for operation <OCIStmtExecute>: <ORA-12592: TNS: bad packet
Oracle <DMART.MINSALUTE> error message for operation <OCIStmtExecute>: <ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication
The DB server is reachable with ping and tnsping, as well as the same DB through sqlplus command.
The connection test is successful with the Repository on the DB server.
On the client machine where it is installed SAP BusinessObjects Data Services is running the antivirus McAfee ® VirusScan ® Enterprise 8.8. We did not find any error or block in the antivirus log.
Summary Information:
Client :
O.S.: Windows Server 2003 32bit
Oracle : Oracle then update to
SAP BusinessObjects Data Services XI 3.2 SP3 (
Server :
O.S.: Unix AIX 7.1
Oracle : Oracle
Thanks for your help.
Stefano De Marco.