Hi guys
i am trying to install DS 4.2 with SP01 downloaded the zip file 51047280_2 from the SAP marketplace.. with SBOP INFORMATION PLATFORM SERVICES 4.1 SP02 WINDOWS (64B) on windows server 2012 R2
for installation of above mentioned, followed the link
after installation of IPS i can login successfully on CMC, can see all servers up and running... but after installation of DS 4.2, tried logging on DS managment console got an error as "Unable to find servers in CMS SDDS-DS-BIDEV.nhsg.grampian.scot.nhs.uk:6400 and cluster @SDDS-DS-BIDEV.nhsg.grampian.scot.nhs.uk:6400 with kind pjs and service DS.AdminService. All such servers could be down or disabled by the administrator. (FWM 01014)"... i have tried looking EIMAdaptive processing Server on CMC it is running but when i go to properties then i can't see anything like admin services.
IPS using already created SQL server database connected using ODBC.
IPS installed using inbuilt license key
could you please let me know what is the problem going on .. is there any compatibility issue going on?
find attached gif files with errors
Message was edited by: leo dec