Dear Experts,
I'm trying to upload two excel files using Data services 4.0 of which 1 contains just the PO header data like,
Address , PO number, total amount
The other contains all the line items.
So, I took both these files and extracted them into 2 separate template tables.
Now I want to write some transforms so I can load it all in one table.
Here is How it looks
Template Table 1 (Just 1 record)
Template Table 2
010 mat1 $100
020 Mat2 $300
030 Mat3 $700
040 Service $200
No I want to combine these two tables and load the data into my data warehouse as shown below.
PO123456 010 Mat1 $100
PO123456 020 Mat2 $300
PO123456 030 Mat3 $700
PO123456 040 Service $200
I'm unable to figure-out how to add the PO number to every line of the item data. Can someone help me get it.
Many Thanks