Hi Experts,
I am using Data Services
I have an issue in importing functions through 'Adapter' type datastore into Data Services. I can open the datastore and see the list of functions available, but when I try to import them, I get the error BODI-1112015 Adapter metadata import failed.
The setup and the errors are as below.
The adapter datastore is setup as below.
I built a new keystore called clientkeystore.jks in the ..\bin.Then created the .CSR file, and then imported the signed chained (I believe it's chained certificate) certificate of the server hosting the wsdl into the keystore.
Thanks for the post http://scn.sap.com/thread/1589052 . After changing the metadata character set to utf-8, I can see a list of functions when I open this New_Datastore in Data Services. It proves that the setup for the datastore has no problem parsing the wsdl file and give me the list of functions in it.
However, the error appears when I try to import them.
Error is:
Adapter metadata import failed. Error message: (BODI-1112015) Error parsing the <TheFunctionToBeImported> included in the XML sent by the adapter to represet a function <Error importing XML Schema from file <adapter_schema_in.xsd>:<XML parser failed: Error <Schema Representation Constraint: Namespace 'http://result.form.v81.api.keysurvey.com' is referenced without <import> declaration> at line <13>, char <46> in < < xsd:schema xmln:xsd=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmln:tns="http://result.form.v81.api.keystore.com" xmlns:diws="http://businessobjects.com/diwebservice" targetnamespace="http://www.businessobjects.com/diwebservice"><xsd:import namespace='http://v81.api.keysurvey.com' schemaLocation='C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Data Services\ext\webservice\FormResultManagemenetgetRespondentsgetRespondents0.xsd'/>
<xsd: import namespace='http://result.form.v81.api.keysurvey.com' schemaLocation='C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Data Services\ext\webservice\FormResultManagemenetgetRespondentsgetRespondents2.xsd'/> ........
When comparing it with the wsdl file(as below), it is worth nothing that the schemaLocation is changed to a local directory under C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Data Services\ext\webservice while it was not the case in wsdl. The schemaLocation is on the server.
I am wondering if the redirection from the server specified in the wsdl file to the local directory has caused this error. The error 'namespace is reference without <import>' is apparently wrong as the <import> is just there.
Or there is any other reason behind this.
I appreciate any adivce or question from you!