I have tried to carry out a DTW import to get UOM working on our B1 V9, with the below fields,
ItemCode | UoMGroupEntry | DefaultSalesUoMEntry | DefaultPurchasingUoMEntry | DesiredInventory |
ItemCode | UoMGroupEntry | DefaultSalesUoMEntry | DefaultPurchasingUoMEntry | ReorderQty |
25XXER01 | 4143 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
25XXEST1 | 4144 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
25XXGBBL | 4145 | 370 | 6 | 0 |
25XXGRE1 | 4146 | 403 | 403 | 0 |
25XXKS01 | 4147 | 403 | 403 | 0 |
The lines with numbers other than 1 in have failed although the correct entrys exist in OUOM for it to link to.
The DTW error message is as follows: 19800000074 - Default UoM must be defined in "Unit of Measurements" of "Items" first or be cleared after it is deleted in "Unit of Measurements" of "Items"
any ideas?