We have upgraded BODS from BODS 4.1 SP03 PATCH 1 ( to BODS 4.1 SP03 PATCH 4 ( This seems to introduce a bug for Group By ports without aggregate function - ie constants. Someone who has experienced the same? We got Null for the Group By key values - Oracle 11G.
We upgraded from version because of another bug. This bug was fixed in We upgraded anyway to to be most updated. Is it therefore an idea to downgrade to
To be moreprecise - "constant"mean botha value andan inputportwithoutaggregatefunction.
To be more precise 2: If we put sum () or another aggregate function around the schema in ports or values eg sum (12) - it works fine. But the problem is that we can not go through 100s data flows to check and change this, in an environment with very formal deploy procedures etc.
Message was edited by: Jørn Erik Mathisen