I am at customer site and the client has a question about how to properly delete a repository. We shall call it REPO_X for now.
-The customer created REPO_X with the DS Repository manager. Afterwards, the customer realized they wanted to delete REPO_X
-The customer went into the CMC > Data Services > Repositories and deleted REPO_X
-The customer realized that REPO_X and all objects still existed in the source database and deleted it and all of its objects in the DB.
Does anything else need to be done in order to delete all traces of REPO_X?
When REPO_X was created, were there any other "behind-the-scenes" components, connections, or files generated that may still exist after the REPO_X was deleted from the CMC and the source database?
The client wants to make sure that there are no remaining traces of REPO_X anywhere in the environment.
Can someone please confirm/advise?
Thank you very much for your support.
Best Regards,