在国内安装DS4.x的时候,经常会遇到不兼容的问题。要么是DS无法安装,报告找不到CMS(明明CMS数据库能访问),要么就是安装完毕以后在 CMC主页上看到一串乱码而不是 Data Service的链接,点进去也无法执行。要解决这些问题,就需要按照以下步骤检查安装的内容:
1、特别注意IPS和DS的版本兼容性问题。这个可以参考附件的1的内容。 目前来看,IPS4.1 sp3的兼容性至少可以参照 IPS4.1sp2。
3、如果1和2都做好的话,正常来说应该是没有问题,能正确安装DS。如果出现乱码链接而不是Data Service链接的情况,可以参考 SAP Note 1615646.
- Copy the attached file, MissingDataServicesFiles.zip, to the SAP Business
Objects Server machine. - Extract the contents to a temporary directory - this will create a
file called com.businessobjects.webpath.DSCmc_lang.en.jar and a directory called
webpath.DSCmc_lang.en - Copy the com.businessobjects.webpath.DSCmc_lang.en.jar file
into <Business objects Installation
Directory>\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI
4.0\warfiles\webapps\BOE\WEB-INF\eclipse\plugins - Redeploy the web application named BOE using wdeploy or wdeployGUI. Please
refer to the SAP Business Objects Web Application Deployment Guide for details
on how to do this.
NOTE: If the web application server is tomcat it is possible to perform the
following steps instead of redeploying (step 4)
- Stop Tomcat
- Copy the webpath.DSCmc_lang.en directory
and its subdirectories, extracted from the .zip file, to <Tomcat Install
Directory>\webapps\BOE\WEB-INF\eclipse\plugins. If Tomcat was
installed with Business Objects then this directory will be <Business objects Installation
Directory>\Tomcat6\webapps\BOE\WEB-INF\eclipse\plugins - Delete the directory <Tomcat Install
Directory>\SAP BusinessObjects\Tomcat6\work\Catalina\localhost\BOE - note that
this is the work directory of tomcat not the
webapps directory. This directory will be recreated when Tomcat is restarted. - Start Tomcat
实际验证,完全按解决问题。(ips 4.1sp3 + DS 4.2 sp1)