Hey everyone! I am having a n issue with SAP BODS 4.1 and SQL Server 2012. We occasionally need to do a complete reload of some of our source systems into our EDW. We can't truncate the table because there are multiple systems that are loaded. We wrote a stored procedure to delete the EDW based on the source system we are reloading. This allows us to manage the performance of the delete in SQL Server and give us a bit more control over the transactions. The stored procedure deletes in chunks so we can keep the log file clean. Here is the main part of the stored procedure:
WHILE(@RowCount > 0) BEGIN SET @SQLString = N'DELETE TOP ('+ CAST(@DeletesPerCommit AS VARCHAR(10)) +') FROM ' + @EdwTable + ' WHERE SOURCENUMID = ' + CAST(@SourceNum AS VARCHAR(10)) BEGIN TRY BEGIN TRANSACTION EXEC(@SQLString) SET @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT COMMIT TRANSACTION END TRY BEGIN CATCH SET @ErrorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE() IF (XACT_STATE()) = -1 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION IF (XACT_STATE()) = 1 COMMIT TRANSACTION RAISERROR('ERROR: %s',18,-1,@ErrorMessage) RETURN -1 END CATCH SET @RecordsDeleted = @RecordsDeleted + @RowCount SET @Counter = @RecordsDeleted IF(@Counter >= 400000) BEGIN CHECKPOINT 10 SET @Counter = 0 END END RETURN @RecordsDeleted
When we execute this from SQL Server, everything looks perfect and we are able to see the table count decrease as expected. However, when we call this from BODS, the table count does not decrease and on large table, we eventually fill up the log file. I realize we are executing this script from a single threaded environment, but should that matter? Here is our BODS script that calls the stored procedure:
$V_SP_RETURN = DS_RD_APMart.DBO.SPDELETERECORDSBYSOURCE( upper(substr(workflow_name(),11,(length(workflow_name()) - 17))), $G_RDSOURCENUMID , 10000, $V_AL_SP_RETCODE , $V_AL_SP_ERRMSG ); # The stored procedure will return a -1 if the table passed does # not exist OR -2 if any of the input parameters are incorrect, # otherwise it will return the total number of records deleted # If the stored procedure fails, the SQL Server error # message will be stored in the $V_AL_SP_ERRMSG variable. IF($V_AL_SP_RETCODE = 'ACTA_SP_OK' AND $V_SP_RETURN >= 0 ) # Successful execution of stored procedure # Print number of deleted records print( 'Deleted ' || cast( $V_SP_RETURN, 'varchar(50)') || ' records for '|| upper(substr(workflow_name(),11,(length(workflow_name()) - 17)))); ELSE BEGIN print( '[workflow_name()] - DS_RD_DWCR.DBO.SPDELETERECORDSBYSOURCE return value: [$V_AL_SP_RETCODE] - '|| cast( $V_SP_RETURN, 'varchar(50)')); print( '[workflow_name()] - DS_RD_DWCR.DBO.SPDELETERECORDSBYSOURCE error message: [$V_AL_SP_ERRMSG]'); raise_exception($V_AL_SP_ERRMSG); END
Anyone have any ideas why this blows up the database when called from BODS?